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The content on this website is meant for general information, personal curiosity, or to make you sound smarter in casual conversation. It’s not legal advice, so please don’t use it as the foundation for major decisions—or minor ones, for that matter. To the extent the law allows, we’re not liable for what you do with this information or how it makes you feel.
Laws can vary dramatically from place to place, like weather forecasts or coffee preferences. Our lawyers only practice in jurisdictions where they’re licensed and can confidently quote statutes without anyone rolling their eyes.
And just so we’re clear: emailing us through this site doesn’t make us your lawyer, your confidant, or your partner in crime. No lawyer-client relationship is created by reading these materials or by reaching out. If you need legal advice, talk to a qualified lawyer who can focus on your specific situation. Oh, and legal opinions can change over time, sometimes faster than the latest tech gadget, so stay up-to-date before making moves.